More about us

The Association of Political Theory in Africa (APTA) is the leading forum for the development and exchange of political ideas to overcome the challenges facing Africa today.

It aims to promote African scholarship in political theory through a plural and global exchange of ideas. As an association located in Africa we are open to any form and nature of political theory that advances this goal.

The objectives of APTA include:

• To promote the importance of political theory in Africa

• To enhance debate, research and teaching in political theory

• To nurture young political theorists and enable publishing opportunities

• To expand networks continentally and globally

• To encourage the use of political theory in public debate and practical politics


The NRF/British Academy SA-UK Bilateral Research Chair in Political Theory

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Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all public lectures have been postponed for 2020. Take a look out at some of our past public lectures.